06/05 DIY Projects

DIY Floral Monogram

Floral Fabric Monogram

If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen that I recently got this *gorgeous* floral fabric that I wasn’t sure about how to use.  I mentioned I’d probably be making a pillow cover with it, and I will (because how can my pillow-cover-obsessed-self not) but I also wanted to do something with it in a way where I could just look at it.  Seriously, I think I would have been ok with just hanging it up on the wall, but I’ve had monograms on my mind lately and found this the perfect opportunity to create a decorative one.

How to cover monogram in fabricI got the fabric and cardboard “A” from Joann Fabrics, and all I did was trace every side of the monogram onto the fabric with a pencil and cut each piece out.  For the inner edges and hole in the A, I measured the needed length and cut out a piece of fabric first, then marked in pencil where I’d need to cut the width.  After all the pieces were cut, I used a foam brush and Mod Podge to glue them all on to the monogram, then applied Mod Podge over all the fabric as a final protective coat.

DIY Floral MonogramPer my usual, preferred crafting style, I kept it really simple and easy, which I think was best for this floral fabric to be the star of the show.  I freaking love it.  Floral is a pattern I will always love, and the bright colors on this one are spreading some much welcomed summery vibes.  I can’t stop looking at it, which is all I wanted to do in the first place- success!

What do you think of floral patterns?  I’m hoping to incorporate more of them into my home, and for sure will be making that pillow case and sharing how that turns out on Instagram, possibly along with how it looks hanging up on the wall haha!  Seriously, I think this fabric would look good in a frame or as a photo mat, no?  Too far?

30 comments on “DIY Floral Monogram”

  1. I can’t believe you got that fabric from JoAnns! It’s gorgeous. I saw your instagram photo and was SO excited to see what you were going to do with it. Pinning!

    And P.S. that first photo with the flowers around it is breathtaking! Too bad my name doesn’t start with an “A” I would totally use that as the background on my computer. Maybe I still will haha!

  2. Pingback: fun summer ideas
      1. Hi Jenny! Did we just communicate on facebook? In case that wasn’t you, I unfortunately don’t know the name of the fabric, and when I went back to find it at JoAnn’s, it wasn’t there anymore :( I did speak with Monika though (the previous commenter) and she was able to find it at her local store!

    1. Unfortunately for me and other sewing peeps, when Joanne creates it’s own fabric designs, they are available in only limited supply for a few months. I can see printed on the selvedge, the dreaded and wonderful words, “Designed and produced exclusively for Joanne Fabrics”. The fabrics (cotton prints) they design only account for a very small portion of the fabric in the store, but are often the most stunningly beautiful fabrics they have. Once it’s gone, I don’t think they reprint. I found this blog a year or more too late to get some of that yummy fabric. Thanks for the inspiration – I have my own letters for making “BEACH” and shoreline maps to cover them with. I REALLY want some of this fabric for other projects!

  3. I love, love, LOVE the whole thing- the black and white abstract art you made, and the flora lletter in front of it!!You’ve given me 2 great ideas, thank you!I’ve been looking on -line for easy, inexpensive ways to decorate my daughter’s dorm room and I though tthatI’d frame a piece of fabric or scrapbooking paper that has the same colors as her comforter, but now I want to do what you’ve done here-I Have I mentioned that I love it??

    1. Polly, I LOVE your enthusiasm!!! Thank you!! I’m so so happy you found inspiration here. I totally think it would look awesome to hang up scrapbook paper or fabric as well (I love doing that!) Please let me know how the projects go! Your daughter is so lucky to have you help her decorate <3

  4. I looooove your creativity! This is the most beautiful floral fabric! I’ve been searching for it at Joann’s and can’t seem to find it, would you happen to know the name of the fabric? thanks!

    1. Thank you so much, Evelyn! Unfortunately, I don’t know the name of the fabric :( Every time I go back to JoAnn I try looking for it again and I can’t find it! Lesson learned- I’ll have to be more aware of fabric names before sharing them on the blog!

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