Yes, already, 2015 is upon us, and I’ve got a DIY to share for something ridiculous to wear on your head for New Year’s Eve. Now in all honesty, past experiences have taught me that NYE is over-hyped and that I’m usually incapable of staying up till midnight (I know I’m not the only one, right?), BUT, I love the sparkle and shine of the holiday and am always down to participate whenever those things are involved. So, I came up with something shiny, fun, and young at heart for an NYE celebration, PBteen style. Come on over to the PBteen blog for the tutorial on these sequin ball mini party hats!
Secret time- the main inspiration for this DIY was that I wanted to make a party hat for this bunny alarm clock. I couldn’t live without an idea so adorable, so it had to be done. No question about it.
If you missed the link, find the tutorial for these party hats at the PBteen blog! And if you’d like to indulge my curiosity, I’d love to know- what are your NYE plans? I feel like people tend to think everyone around them will be up to something wild and crazy, but then I also think that’s not true and for most of us this is a more casual event. What’s everyone’s feelings about NYE?? That’s really what I’m curious about!