Sometimes you don’t need to be carrying around a big and bulky hard case for your sunglasses. Sometimes you just need something simple and compact on the days where you won’t be throwing them in a giant bag to get lost and crushed under every single thing you own. All of this basically means the bag I’m carrying that day is small, so I need to consolidate. I guess I could have started this off with just that, ha, but the point is there’s more than one reason why you might want to make this leather drawstring sunglasses pouch, on top of it being so easy to make without any sewing!
Another reason for me is summer. Coping with summer heat means lightening the load for everything- lighter clothes, lighter hair, and carrying around less or lighter stuff. This pouch serves to lighten at least one thing, and maybe not by much, but that leads us to the main reason why I made it: because it’s cute. That’s reason enough for anything, right? Thanks for playing along, guys <3.
–Unique Stitch (Always. Forever.)
-leather lace
-wood bead
I found this fabric at JoAnn’s and it was one of those fabric quarters they have on the front ledges of their fabric shelves. Isn’t the marbled design gorgeous? I usually spend embarrassing amounts of time walking up and down every aisle until I can no longer tell where one fabric ends and another begins, but this time around, my eyes locked on it immediately and I had no doubt it was meant to be.
Using my sunglasses as a guide, I roughly measured that I needed two fabric pieces that were 4×8″ in size. I cut them out after ironing the fabric first.
I applied the Unique Stitch glue on the back side of one of the short edges on the fabric and folded it over about a 1/2 inch, pushing down on the glue and making sure it lightly seeped through both layers of the fabric. This creates the openings where the leather lace will be strung through later, and this was done to both fabric pieces. As shown in the photo, I’m working on top of a protected surface aka a scrappy, old towel.
On the front side of the fabric piece, I applied glue on the edges below the folded edge I previously glued down, then placed the other fabric piece on top (face to face) and pushed down on the edges for adhesion.
After letting the glue dry for a little bit, I flipped the pouch inside out and strung the leather lace through the openings on one side of fabric, then strung it back the opposite way through the openings on the other side of fabric. I cut the leather, slid on a wood bead, and tied a knot.
And then it was done.
And then I pulled the leather drawstring shut and closed the pouch.
Will I ever carry it around just like this? Probably not, but I think it’s a fun idea.
Speaking of fun, here’s a fun fact- I worked at a Sunglass Hut when I was in high-school, and after seeing so many sunglasses that were wrecked from people wearing them on their heads, I swore I’d stop doing it myself. Unfortunately I haven’t come close to achieving that ever. I bet you wear your sunglasses on top of your head, too!
So what do you think of this pouch? Do you have a use for one this summer?